Baseball Mogul 2017 now includes support for team abbreviations in schedule files, making it much easier to create or import your own schedule files (for historical and/or fictional seasons).
This is a copy of the document included in the
Baseball Mogul "schedules" folder.
Schedule Filenames
The league format is converted to numbers and letters that are used to create the file name. If the schedule is from a specific year, the year is appended to the filename.
This is an example of the name of a schedule file:
- ‘162’ is the number of games in the season.
- ‘U’ means the schedule is “unbalanced”. This means that teams play more games within their division, that vs. league opponents. (A ‘B’ would be used to indicate a “balanced” schedule, where all league teams play every other league team roughly the same number of times).
- The first ‘555’ refers to the number of teams in each division of league #1 — the American League has 5 teams in each of 3 divisions. The second ‘555’ refers to the number of teams in each division of the league #2 — the National League also has 5 teams in each division.
Because this schedule is for an unbalanced league, Baseball Mogul needs to ensure that league format has the correct number of teams in each division. Thus, the schedule file includes a number for each division.
For balanced schedules, the game only cares about whether the number of teams in each league match the schedule format. This only requires one number for each league. If the above file were for a balanced schedule, it would use the following filename:
- The ‘I’ indicates that the schedule includes interleague games. If the schedule only features league play, this is replaced with an ‘L’.
- By default, all schedules have a 3-day all-star break. If this schedule didn’t have an All-Star Break, '-N' would be appended to the filename (for ‘No all-star game’).
- Finally, the specific year can be added as an optional parameter. If a year is listed, this schedule will only be loaded for that season.
The Baseball Mogul "schedules" folder |
162-B-14-16-I = 162 games, balanced, 14-team AL, 16-team NL, with interleague play.
162-U-554-565-I = 162 games, unbalanced, 5-5-4 AL, 5-6-5 NL, with interleague play.
154-U-77-66-L = 154 games, unbalanced, 7-7 AL, 6-6 NL, no interleague play.
154-U-77-66-L-N = 154 games, unbalanced, 7-7 AL, 6-6 NL, no interleague play, no All-Star Break.
Schedule Formats
All schedule files use one line per scheduled game. Each group of games is preceded by a single
specifying the date on which those games occur.
This date must always be in the format “XXX M/D/Y”. For example, “Wed 4/5/2017” refers to
Wednesday April 5th, 2017. The month and day are the only data used; the year and day of week are
Individual games on each day can be represented in one of two formats:
1. Numerical Team Indexes
Teams are represented by numbers, starting at 0, such as the following lines:
Sun 4/3/2017
0 @ 6
1 @ 3
Each number specifies a team in the database, with the teams grouped by division.1 For example, in a
template for the 1977 season:
- Teams 0-6 are the AL East
- Teams 7-13 are the AL West
- Teams 14-19 are the NL East
- Teams 20-25 are the NL West
Teams are ranked alphabetically within each division. Using 1977 again as an example:
- Team 0 is the Baltimore Orioles
- Team 1 is the Boston Red Sox
- Team 2 is the Cleveland Indians
- etc.
Note: Baseball Mogul assumes that leagues are sorted alphabetically, and divisions are sorted from East to West. The “American League” will be listed before the “National League”; the “AL East” will be listed before the “AL Central” and the “AL West”; etc.
2. Team Abbreviations
New for
Baseball Mogul 2017, schedule files now support 3-letter abbreviations. For example:
Sun 4/3/2017
Team abbreviations can be viewed (or edited) in the League Editor inside Baseball Mogul.
Schedule Files as Templates
If the specific year is omitted, Baseball Mogul will use the schedule file as a template. Instead of
scheduling the games exactly as specified in the file, it will load the schedule file and then randomize
team schedules within each division. This allows the game to create unique schedules for future years, or for historical years for which we do not yet have specific data.
Schedules are shuffled WITHIN each division. So, in the 1977 example above, if Team 0 is scheduled to play the first game of the season, then the schedule created from that template will feature ANY ONE of the first seven teams to play the first game of the season.
Baseball Mogul doesn’t currently support teams with more than one game schedules on the same day.
If you are creating a schedule file for a historical year with scheduled double-headers, you will need to move the 2nd game to a day where those teams have a day off (such as by moving the 2nd game of a Sunday double-header to the following Monday).
Missing Schedule Files
If there is no matching schedule file, Baseball Mogul fabricates a schedule using an algorithm than can produce some unrealistic schedules (with large gaps between games played). I am trying to expand the number of schedule files available inside Baseball Mogul. If you have created a file for a missing year or format, please forward it to and/or post it to our
mod forums.
Thank you!
Appendix A: Numbers Used in Schedule Files for 2014-2016 Seasons
Note that teams are ordered:
- Alphaterically by League (AL then NL).
- Then by division from east to west.
- Then alphabetically within each division.
AL East
AL Central
AL West
HOU 10
LAA 11
OAK 12
SEA 13
TEX 14
NL East
ATL 15
MIA 16
NYN 17
PHI 18
WAS 19
NL Central
CHN 20
CIN 21
MIL 22
PIT 23
STL 24
NL West
ARZ 25
COL 26
LAD 27
SDP 28
SFG 29